


Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Recently I have decided to take some time to play some older games for "replay value" and write about them except I have been gaming on pc. PC gaming is a new experience for me and will probably upgrade in a few years for a even better experience. I have  been playing multiple titles one of them Halo 1 (a game I never played)and I'm playing it on Heroic to make it  more exciting. The other titles I do not wish to comment on yet because I want to get indulged in the full experience before I even begin writing about them. Also
I'm been busy writing a book which I am kind of stuck on at the moment. I also received a hard copy for God Of War (one) for PlayStation 2. I did play that title at a friends house but he ended up getting his system stolen along with some other games so I am not able to finish it (along with the other games I was playing). I will probably purchase it from play station store in the future.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Dragons Dogma Dark Arisen (Played)

Well the AI (artificial intelligence) is really high for having pawns (other ai bots from other games you get to choose that help you out). This title features challenging creatures with "boss" health  out in the wild. You will need a good strategy and effectively  choose who travels with you in your journey and how they may assist you. Your main pawn may also get knowledge from other games when you decide to rest. The gameplay is smooth and swift and is a little bit harder than most on Normal. It looks like it plays if you ever watched gameplay for it. Challenging yet interesting enough to grab your attention. If you don't mind long journeys and fighting boss level creatures in the while give it a try.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Kane And Lynch

This game I think is a little underrated a little. It is very deep and have you question  your very last thoughts. Like these are the things people think about, Right now I'm a little passed chapter 7.  The aim precision turn rate was very slow at the beginning but it was different to where a bunch of people would not know how to comprehend.  It also has a weird adjacent co-op view angle. I personally enjoyed Kane and Lynch. Unfortunately I did not get to complete it.


Well I had a few  good online experiences in this game. This is actually my second cod game  I have ever purchased (would of honestly skipped out on it) ( The first title I purchased being MW1). I perfer the old maps and I really hated the map nuketown which I think is really overrated. The story mode is actually worth playing through and should of included some of the gameplay methods in multi-player. Zombies gave me a headache after I reached round 29 even though we all know it is a game that never ends. I am calling it quits. I played the new Mob Of The Dead pack and it seems they really made some improvements on this with parts and traps. Very creative and different. I already traded in my copy but I will play every now and then on Xbox if I get the chance.

Street Fighter x Tekken

Second time playing made it to the last level  on hardest using Ken and Ryu.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

I've been...

writing and journaling on other projects. I've experienced some more different games and i will write about them.

Coming-Dragons Dogma Dark Arisem
                Kane and Lynch
                Cod: Black Ops II